#include "ZQueen.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class ZQueen : public ZNameMap, public An_ID_Demangler, public MIR_Priest

Inheritance Chart:
void _init() protected:
void add_reflector(SaturnInfo* moon) ID_t assign_id(ZGlass* lens) virtual void bootstrap() virtual void embrace_of_life(ZComet& comet) bool has_free_ids(ID_t n_needed) virtual ZGlass* instantiate(FID_t fid, const Text_t* name = "0", const Text_t* title = "0") ID_t next_free_id(ZQueen::QueenIDMap_i i) virtual ZQueen::LensDetails* produce_lens_details(ID_t id, ZGlass* lens) void put_lens_to_purgatory(ZGlass* lens) void PutLensToPurgatory(ZGlass* lens) void PutLensToVoid(ID_t lens_id) void PutListElementsToPurgatory(ZList* list) void release_moon_purgatory(ID_t n_to_release) void release_purgatory(ID_t n_needed) int release_zombies() void remove_lens(ZGlass* lens) void remove_lenses(ZList* list, Bool_t recurse, Bool_t syncmode) void remove_reflector(SaturnInfo* moon) public:
static void _gled_catalog_init() ZQueen(const Text_t* n = "ZQueen", const Text_t* t = "0") ZQueen(ID_t span, const Text_t* n = "ZQueen", const Text_t* t = "0") ZQueen(const ZQueen&) ~ZQueen() void AddDependency(ZQueen* new_dep) void AdoptComet(ZList* top_dest, ZList* orphan_dest, ZComet* comet) void BasicQueenChange(ZMIR& mir) virtual void BlessMIR(ZMIR& mir) void BroadcastMIRToNonRulingReflections(ZMIR& mir) ID_t CheckIn(ZGlass* lens) static TClass* Class() void CleanOrphanage() virtual void CopyLinkRefs(lppZGlass_t& ref_list) virtual void CopyLinkReps(ZGlass::lLinkRep_t& link_rep_list) virtual void CopyLinks(lpZGlass_t& glass_list) virtual void CreateReflection(TBuffer& buf) virtual ZGlass* DemangleID(ID_t id) virtual void DepCheckMIR(ZMIR& mir) Bool_t DependsOn(ZQueen* some_queen) void EmitRay(auto_ptr<Ray>& ray) void ExecuteMir(ZMIR& mir) static FID_t FID() UChar_t GetAlignment() UChar_t GetAuthMode() UShort_t GetAvgPurgLen() Bool_t GetAwaitingSceptre() UInt_t GetDeletedMS() ZHashList* GetDeps() Bool_t GetFollowDeps() ID_t GetIDsFree() ID_t GetIDSpan() ID_t GetIDsPurged() ID_t GetIDsUsed() ZKing* GetKing() Bool_t GetMandatory() UChar_t GetMapNoneTo() ID_t GetMaxID() ID_t GetMinID() ZHashList* GetOrphans() ZMirFilter* GetProtector() UInt_t GetPurgedMS() Bool_t GetRuling() Float_t GetSgmPurgLen() Bool_t GetStampIdOps() const Bool_t GetStamping() const ZQueen::QueenState_e GetState() ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e GetZeroRCPolicy() static GledNS::ClassInfo* GlassInfo() ID_t IncarnateWAttach(ZGlass* attach_to, ZGlass* attach_gamma, LID_t att_lid, CID_t att_cid, MID_t att_mid) ID_t InstantiateWAttach(ZGlass* attach_to, ZGlass* attach_gamma, LID_t att_lid, CID_t att_cid, MID_t att_mid, LID_t new_lid, CID_t new_cid, const Text_t* name = "0", const Text_t* title = "0") virtual void InvokeReflection(TBuffer& buf) virtual TClass* IsA() const void ListAll() ZComet* MakeComet() static MID_t Mid_AddDependency() static MID_t Mid_AdoptComet() static MID_t Mid_CleanOrphanage() static MID_t Mid_IncarnateWAttach() static MID_t Mid_instantiate() static MID_t Mid_InstantiateWAttach() static MID_t Mid_ListAll() static MID_t Mid_MIRActivateLens() static MID_t Mid_MIRDeactivateLens() static MID_t Mid_PutLensToPurgatory() static MID_t Mid_PutLensToVoid() static MID_t Mid_PutListElementsToPurgatory() static MID_t Mid_release_moon_purgatory() static MID_t Mid_RemoveLens() static MID_t Mid_RemoveLenses() static MID_t Mid_SetAlignment() static MID_t Mid_SetAuthMode() static MID_t Mid_SetAvgPurgLen() static MID_t Mid_SetAwaitingSceptre() static MID_t Mid_SetDeletedMS() static MID_t Mid_SetDeps() static MID_t Mid_SetFollowDeps() static MID_t Mid_SetMandatory() static MID_t Mid_SetMapNoneTo() static MID_t Mid_SetOrphans() static MID_t Mid_SetProtector() static MID_t Mid_SetPurgedMS() static MID_t Mid_SetRuling() static MID_t Mid_SetSgmPurgLen() static MID_t Mid_SetStampIdOps() static MID_t Mid_SetStamping() static MID_t Mid_SetState() static MID_t Mid_SetZeroRCPolicy() void MIRActivateLens(ZGlass* lens) void MIRDeactivateLens(ZGlass* lens) ZQueen& operator=(const ZQueen&) virtual Int_t RebuildLinkRefs(An_ID_Demangler* c) void RemoveLens(ZGlass* lens) void RemoveLenses(ZList* list, Bool_t recurse = false) virtual void RevokeReflection() ZMIR* S_AddDependency(ZQueen* new_dep) ZMIR* S_AdoptComet(ZList* top_dest, ZList* orphan_dest, ZComet* comet) ZMIR* S_CleanOrphanage() ZMIR* S_IncarnateWAttach(ZGlass* attach_to, ZGlass* attach_gamma, LID_t att_lid, CID_t att_cid, MID_t att_mid) virtual ZMIR* S_instantiate(FID_t fid, const Text_t* name = "0", const Text_t* title = "0") ZMIR* S_InstantiateWAttach(ZGlass* attach_to, ZGlass* attach_gamma, LID_t att_lid, CID_t att_cid, MID_t att_mid, LID_t new_lid, CID_t new_cid, const Text_t* name = "0", const Text_t* title = "0") ZMIR* S_ListAll() ZMIR* S_MIRActivateLens(ZGlass* lens) ZMIR* S_MIRDeactivateLens(ZGlass* lens) ZMIR* S_PutLensToPurgatory(ZGlass* lens) ZMIR* S_PutLensToVoid(ID_t lens_id) ZMIR* S_PutListElementsToPurgatory(ZList* list) ZMIR* S_release_moon_purgatory(ID_t n_to_release) ZMIR* S_RemoveLens(ZGlass* lens) ZMIR* S_RemoveLenses(ZList* list, Bool_t recurse = false) ZMIR* S_SetAlignment(UChar_t alignment) ZMIR* S_SetAuthMode(UChar_t authmode) ZMIR* S_SetAvgPurgLen(UShort_t avgpurglen) ZMIR* S_SetAwaitingSceptre(Bool_t awaitingsceptre) ZMIR* S_SetDeletedMS(UInt_t deletedms) ZMIR* S_SetDeps(ZHashList* deps) ZMIR* S_SetFollowDeps(Bool_t followdeps) ZMIR* S_SetMandatory(Bool_t mandatory) ZMIR* S_SetMapNoneTo(UChar_t mapnoneto) ZMIR* S_SetOrphans(ZHashList* orphans) ZMIR* S_SetProtector(ZMirFilter* protector) ZMIR* S_SetPurgedMS(UInt_t purgedms) ZMIR* S_SetRuling(Bool_t ruling) ZMIR* S_SetSgmPurgLen(Float_t sgmpurglen) ZMIR* S_SetStampIdOps(Bool_t stampidops) ZMIR* S_SetStamping(Bool_t stamping) ZMIR* S_SetState(ZQueen::QueenState_e state) ZMIR* S_SetZeroRCPolicy(ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e zerorcpolicy) void SetAlignment(UChar_t alignment) void SetAuthMode(UChar_t authmode) void SetAvgPurgLen(UShort_t avgpurglen) void SetAwaitingSceptre(Bool_t awaitingsceptre) void SetDeletedMS(UInt_t deletedms) void SetDeps(ZHashList* deps) void SetFollowDeps(Bool_t followdeps) void SetMandatory(Bool_t mandatory) void SetMapNoneTo(UChar_t mapnoneto) void SetOrphans(ZHashList* orphans) void SetProtector(ZMirFilter* protector) void SetPurgedMS(UInt_t purgedms) void SetRuling(Bool_t ruling) void SetSgmPurgLen(Float_t sgmpurglen) void SetStampIdOps(Bool_t stampidops) void SetStamping(Bool_t stamping) void SetState(ZQueen::QueenState_e state) void SetZeroRCPolicy(ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e zerorcpolicy) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void SubjectRefCntLock() void SubjectRefCntUnlock() void SubjectWriteLock() void SubjectWriteUnlock() virtual void UnfoldFrom(ZComet& comet) virtual FID_t VFID() const virtual GledNS::ClassInfo* VGlassInfo() const void ZeroRefCount(ZGlass* lens)

Data Members

ZKing* mKing ! X{g} Bool_t bMandatory X{gS} 7 Bool(-join=>1) Bool_t bFollowDeps X{gS} 7 Bool() Used by fire-space queens Bool_t bRuling ! X{gS} 7 BoolOut(-join=>1) Bool_t bAwaitingSceptre ! X{gS} 7 BoolOut() ZQueen::QueenState_e mState ! X{gS} 7 PhonyEnum(-const=>1, -width=>12) ID_t mMinID X{g} 7 ValOut(-range=>[0,MAX_ID], -width=>8, -join=>1) ID_t mMaxID X{g} 7 ValOut(-range=>[0,MAX_ID], -width=>8) ID_t mIDSpan X{g} 7 ValOut(-join=>1) ID_t mIDsUsed X{g} 7 ValOut() ID_t mIDsPurged X{g} 7 ValOut(-join=>1) ID_t mIDsFree X{g} 7 ValOut() map<unsigned int,ZQueen::LensDetails*,less<unsigned int>,allocator<pair<const unsigned int,ZQueen::LensDetails*> > > mIDMap ! ID_t mCreationID Creation point ID list<unsigned int,allocator<unsigned int> > mPurgatory List of released but still reserved ids lpZGlass_t mZombies ! Lenses that are dead but still need to be deleted. UShort_t mAvgPurgLen X{gS} 7 Value(-range=>[1,65000,1], -width=>5, -join=>1) Float_t mSgmPurgLen X{gS} 7 Value(-range=>[0,1,1,100], -width=>5) UInt_t mPurgedMS X{gS} 7 Value(-range=>[100,1e6,10], -width=>7, -join=>1) UInt_t mDeletedMS X{gS} 7 Value(-range=>[100,1e6,10], -width=>7) ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e mZeroRCPolicy X{gS} 7 PhonyEnum() Bool_t bStamping X{GS} 7 Bool(-join=>1) Bool_t bStampIdOps X{GS} 7 Bool() UChar_t mAuthMode X{gS} 7 PhonyEnum(-type=>AuthMode_e, -width=>12) UChar_t mAlignment X{gS} 7 PhonyEnum(-type=>Align_e) UChar_t mMapNoneTo X{gS} 7 PhonyEnum(-type=>ZMirFilter::Result_e, ZMirFilter* mProtector X{gS} L{} ZHashList* mDeps X{gS} L{} ZHashList* mOrphans X{gS} L{} lpSaturnInfo_t mReflectors ! GMutex mSubjectWriteMutex ! GMutex mSubjectRefCntMutex ! static GledNS::ClassInfo* sap_ZQueen_ci static GledNS::LinkMemberInfo* sap_Protector_lmi static GledNS::LinkMemberInfo* sap_Deps_lmi static GledNS::LinkMemberInfo* sap_Orphans_lmi public:
static const ZQueen::AuthMode_e AM_None static const ZQueen::AuthMode_e AM_Queen static const ZQueen::AuthMode_e AM_Lens static const ZQueen::AuthMode_e AM_QueenThenLens static const ZQueen::AuthMode_e AM_LensThenQueen static const ZQueen::Align_e A_Good static const ZQueen::Align_e A_Evil static const ZQueen::QueenState_e QS_Sleeping static const ZQueen::QueenState_e QS_Awakening static const ZQueen::QueenState_e QS_Dreaming static const ZQueen::QueenState_e QS_Nightmare static const ZQueen::QueenState_e QS_AwaitingSceptre static const ZQueen::QueenState_e QS_Ruling static const ZQueen::QueenState_e QS_RelinquishingSceptre static const ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e ZRCP_Delete static const ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e ZRCP_ToOrphanage static const ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e ZRCP_Ignore

Class Description


 A Queen controls its portion of the ID space.
 Glasses are adopted/instantiated and enlightened by it.
 Queens (like Kings) are exported to all Moons but are not
 necesarily activated immediately (controled by bMandatory).
 Queen's status is given by bRuling.

 Although queens are always at least partially exposed, MIRs with
 alpa=queen are *not* broadcasted to all Moons by the Saturn's mir
 processing code. Exported methods that should be called also at
 inactive queens must be pushed there by hand. This service is
 offered by the BroadcastMIRToNonRulingReflections() method. For
 example see ZQueen::AddDependency.


void _init()

void bootstrap()
 Initializes a new queen and creates mandatory lists.
 Called from ZKing.
 Not applicable for activation or instantiation of not Ruling Queens.

void embrace_of_life(ZComet& comet)
 Initializes *this* queen with unstreamed queen.
 Copies Links and List contents, no ref-counting is performed.

bool has_free_ids(ID_t n_needed)

ID_t next_free_id(QueenIDMap_i i)

ID_t assign_id(ZGlass* lens)
 Assigns an ID to lens.

void release_purgatory(ID_t n_needed)
 Releases ID-space occupied by recently dead lenses.
 Also performs deletion of lenses that were still referenced
 by viewers at their death-time.

void release_moon_purgatory(ID_t n_to_release)
 Mirrors purgatory release at moons.
 Also performs deletion of lenses that were still referenced
 by viewers at their death-time.

int release_zombies()

ZGlass* DemangleID(ID_t id)
 This should serve to properly demangle external references for comets.
 And check that the id is within the queen's dependencies.

ID_t CheckIn(ZGlass* lens)

void DepCheckMIR(ZMIR& mir)
 Allow beta/gamma from queens that *this* depends on + queen
 arguments if alpha is *this*.

void BlessMIR(ZMIR& mir)
 should check that the mir is valid and within deps.
 If whorequeen should accept new ones and append them.
 If light-queen with FollowDeps should append with broadcast
 PRIOR to returning from this method.
 Called from Saturn::Unfold() prior to locking and execution.
 Errors/non-conformance should be reported by throwing an exception.

 Oh yess ... btw ... queens can as well block all execs to their
 subjects. Eg, when bMIRActive of alpha is false.
 Per queen access control can be implemented here.

void AddDependency(ZQueen* new_dep)

Bool_t DependsOn(ZQueen* some_queen)
 Returns true if *this* depends on some_queen, i.e. if my lenses
 can reference lenses ruled by some_queen.

ZGlass* instantiate(FID_t fid, const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title)

ID_t InstantiateWAttach(ZGlass* attach_to, ZGlass* attach_gamma, LID_t att_lid, CID_t att_cid, MID_t att_mid, LID_t new_lid, CID_t new_cid, const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title)
 Instantiates a glass of FID(lid, cid) and attaches it to attach_to
 by using last part of the message, which should be a properly
 formulated Ctx call.
 Ctx for this call is:
 alpha ~ attach_to, beta ~ new glass, gamma ~ attach_gamma
 Returns ID to the caller (also via MirResult if set in MIR).

ID_t IncarnateWAttach(ZGlass* attach_to, ZGlass* attach_gamma, LID_t att_lid, CID_t att_cid, MID_t att_mid)
 Incarnates a new glass from the buffer and then attaches it in the
 same manner as the above method.
 Links and list contents are rebuilt in accordance with queen's dependency

void MIRActivateLens(ZGlass* lens)

void MIRDeactivateLens(ZGlass* lens)

void put_lens_to_purgatory(ZGlass* lens)

void PutLensToPurgatory(ZGlass* lens)
 First step in the process of a lens removal.
 Stops all detached threads via Saturn::Freeze().
 Removes all references to a lens and sends Rays with RQN_death.
 Then emits MIR to PutLensToVoid(lens).

void PutListElementsToPurgatory(ZList* list)
 Puts all elements of list having mQueen==this to purgatory.
 Copies list contents, does ZList::ClearList and then purges
 individual elements. This optimizes removal procedure for
 large lists.

void PutLensToVoid(ID_t lens_id)
 Final step in lens removal.
 Endarks the lens.
 Clears up internal structures.
 Deletes the lens (or makes it a zombie).

void RemoveLens(ZGlass* lens)
 Initiates removal of lens. This is the method that should be called
 by user.
 If called as Flare broadcasting is suppressed.

void RemoveLenses(ZList* list, Bool_t recurse)
 Remove elements of list. Does NOT cross queen boundaries.
 Spawned in a dedicated thread.

void remove_lens(ZGlass* lens)
 Low-level lens remove initiator. Called on queen's Sun.
 Only checks if lens is already dying.

void remove_lenses(ZList* list, Bool_t recurse, Bool_t syncmode)
 Low-level massive lens remove initiator. Called on queen's Sun.

void ZeroRefCount(ZGlass* lens)
 Called by ZGlass upon hitting refcount of 0.
 mSubjectRefCntMutex is (and should be) locked prior to call.

void CleanOrphanage()

void SetMandatory(Bool_t mandp)

void CreateReflection(TBuffer& buf)
 Virtual. Creates reflection that can be invoked to produce a copy
 of queen-space on other Saturn.
 ZQueen itself just creates and streams a ZComet.

void InvokeReflection(TBuffer& buf)
 Virtual. Invokes reflection created by a higher Saturn and thus
 begins mirroring the object-space.
 For ZQueen this involves unstreaming of ZComet and calling UnfoldFrom().

void RevokeReflection()
 Virtual. Cleans up queen-space, putting it back into non-ruling state.

ZComet* MakeComet()
 Produces Comet of type ST_Queen.
 Contains all glasses ruled by the queen.
 External references are streamed as IDs and can be reconstructed
 at lower Moons.
 Used for producing a snapshot of Queen-space to be sent to a Moon.

void AdoptComet(ZList* top_dest, ZList* orphan_dest, ZComet* comet)
 Adopts a Comet of type ST_CometBag.
 External references of a Comet are ignored.

void UnfoldFrom(ZComet& comet)
 Unfolds a dormant (not bRuling) queen from a comet of type ST_Queen
 and makes it a ruling queen.
 The incoming queen and its Deps are replaced with already present ones.
 Does NOT call CheckIn ... does it directly with simultaneous building of
 free block list.
 At the end calls AdUnfoldment on all lenses.

void add_reflector(SaturnInfo* moon)

void remove_reflector(SaturnInfo* moon)

void BroadcastMIRToNonRulingReflections(ZMIR& mir)

void BasicQueenChange(ZMIR& mir)

void EmitRay(auto_ptr<Ray>& ray)

void ListAll()
 attempt at looking at all subjects based on ids
 else might be forced into having local hash.

Inline Functions

                          void ~ZQueen()
          ZQueen::LensDetails* produce_lens_details(ID_t id, ZGlass* lens)
                        ZQueen ZQueen(const Text_t* n = "ZQueen", const Text_t* t = "0")
                        ZQueen ZQueen(ID_t span, const Text_t* n = "ZQueen", const Text_t* t = "0")
                          void SubjectWriteLock()
                          void SubjectWriteUnlock()
                          void SubjectRefCntLock()
                          void SubjectRefCntUnlock()
                         FID_t FID()
                         FID_t VFID() const
            GledNS::ClassInfo* GlassInfo()
            GledNS::ClassInfo* VGlassInfo() const
                        ZKing* GetKing()
                        Bool_t GetMandatory()
                        Bool_t GetFollowDeps()
                          void SetFollowDeps(Bool_t followdeps)
                        Bool_t GetRuling()
                          void SetRuling(Bool_t ruling)
                        Bool_t GetAwaitingSceptre()
                          void SetAwaitingSceptre(Bool_t awaitingsceptre)
          ZQueen::QueenState_e GetState()
                          void SetState(ZQueen::QueenState_e state)
                          ID_t GetMinID()
                          ID_t GetMaxID()
                          ID_t GetIDSpan()
                          ID_t GetIDsUsed()
                          ID_t GetIDsPurged()
                          ID_t GetIDsFree()
                      UShort_t GetAvgPurgLen()
                          void SetAvgPurgLen(UShort_t avgpurglen)
                       Float_t GetSgmPurgLen()
                          void SetSgmPurgLen(Float_t sgmpurglen)
                        UInt_t GetPurgedMS()
                          void SetPurgedMS(UInt_t purgedms)
                        UInt_t GetDeletedMS()
                          void SetDeletedMS(UInt_t deletedms)
        ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e GetZeroRCPolicy()
                          void SetZeroRCPolicy(ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e zerorcpolicy)
                        Bool_t GetStamping() const
                          void SetStamping(Bool_t stamping)
                        Bool_t GetStampIdOps() const
                          void SetStampIdOps(Bool_t stampidops)
                       UChar_t GetAuthMode()
                          void SetAuthMode(UChar_t authmode)
                       UChar_t GetAlignment()
                          void SetAlignment(UChar_t alignment)
                       UChar_t GetMapNoneTo()
                          void SetMapNoneTo(UChar_t mapnoneto)
                   ZMirFilter* GetProtector()
                          void SetProtector(ZMirFilter* protector)
                    ZHashList* GetDeps()
                          void SetDeps(ZHashList* deps)
                    ZHashList* GetOrphans()
                          void SetOrphans(ZHashList* orphans)
                          void CopyLinks(lpZGlass_t& glass_list)
                          void CopyLinkRefs(lppZGlass_t& ref_list)
                          void CopyLinkReps(ZGlass::lLinkRep_t& link_rep_list)
                         Int_t RebuildLinkRefs(An_ID_Demangler* c)
                          void ExecuteMir(ZMIR& mir)
                         ZMIR* S_SetMandatory(Bool_t mandatory)
                         MID_t Mid_SetMandatory()
                         ZMIR* S_SetFollowDeps(Bool_t followdeps)
                         MID_t Mid_SetFollowDeps()
                         ZMIR* S_SetRuling(Bool_t ruling)
                         MID_t Mid_SetRuling()
                         ZMIR* S_SetAwaitingSceptre(Bool_t awaitingsceptre)
                         MID_t Mid_SetAwaitingSceptre()
                         ZMIR* S_SetState(ZQueen::QueenState_e state)
                         MID_t Mid_SetState()
                         ZMIR* S_SetAvgPurgLen(UShort_t avgpurglen)
                         MID_t Mid_SetAvgPurgLen()
                         ZMIR* S_SetSgmPurgLen(Float_t sgmpurglen)
                         MID_t Mid_SetSgmPurgLen()
                         ZMIR* S_SetPurgedMS(UInt_t purgedms)
                         MID_t Mid_SetPurgedMS()
                         ZMIR* S_SetDeletedMS(UInt_t deletedms)
                         MID_t Mid_SetDeletedMS()
                         ZMIR* S_SetZeroRCPolicy(ZQueen::ZeroRCPolicy_e zerorcpolicy)
                         MID_t Mid_SetZeroRCPolicy()
                         ZMIR* S_SetStamping(Bool_t stamping)
                         MID_t Mid_SetStamping()
                         ZMIR* S_SetStampIdOps(Bool_t stampidops)
                         MID_t Mid_SetStampIdOps()
                         ZMIR* S_SetAuthMode(UChar_t authmode)
                         MID_t Mid_SetAuthMode()
                         ZMIR* S_SetAlignment(UChar_t alignment)
                         MID_t Mid_SetAlignment()
                         ZMIR* S_SetMapNoneTo(UChar_t mapnoneto)
                         MID_t Mid_SetMapNoneTo()
                         ZMIR* S_SetProtector(ZMirFilter* protector)
                         MID_t Mid_SetProtector()
                         ZMIR* S_SetDeps(ZHashList* deps)
                         MID_t Mid_SetDeps()
                         ZMIR* S_SetOrphans(ZHashList* orphans)
                         MID_t Mid_SetOrphans()
                         ZMIR* S_release_moon_purgatory(ID_t n_to_release)
                         MID_t Mid_release_moon_purgatory()
                         ZMIR* S_instantiate(FID_t fid, const Text_t* name = "0", const Text_t* title = "0")
                         MID_t Mid_instantiate()
                         ZMIR* S_InstantiateWAttach(ZGlass* attach_to, ZGlass* attach_gamma, LID_t att_lid, CID_t att_cid, MID_t att_mid, LID_t new_lid, CID_t new_cid, const Text_t* name = "0", const Text_t* title = "0")
                         MID_t Mid_InstantiateWAttach()
                         ZMIR* S_IncarnateWAttach(ZGlass* attach_to, ZGlass* attach_gamma, LID_t att_lid, CID_t att_cid, MID_t att_mid)
                         MID_t Mid_IncarnateWAttach()
                         ZMIR* S_MIRActivateLens(ZGlass* lens)
                         MID_t Mid_MIRActivateLens()
                         ZMIR* S_MIRDeactivateLens(ZGlass* lens)
                         MID_t Mid_MIRDeactivateLens()
                         ZMIR* S_PutLensToPurgatory(ZGlass* lens)
                         MID_t Mid_PutLensToPurgatory()
                         ZMIR* S_PutListElementsToPurgatory(ZList* list)
                         MID_t Mid_PutListElementsToPurgatory()
                         ZMIR* S_PutLensToVoid(ID_t lens_id)
                         MID_t Mid_PutLensToVoid()
                         ZMIR* S_RemoveLens(ZGlass* lens)
                         MID_t Mid_RemoveLens()
                         ZMIR* S_RemoveLenses(ZList* list, Bool_t recurse = false)
                         MID_t Mid_RemoveLenses()
                         ZMIR* S_CleanOrphanage()
                         MID_t Mid_CleanOrphanage()
                         ZMIR* S_AddDependency(ZQueen* new_dep)
                         MID_t Mid_AddDependency()
                         ZMIR* S_AdoptComet(ZList* top_dest, ZList* orphan_dest, ZComet* comet)
                         MID_t Mid_AdoptComet()
                         ZMIR* S_ListAll()
                         MID_t Mid_ListAll()
                          void _gled_catalog_init()
                       TClass* Class()
                       TClass* IsA() const
                          void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                          void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                          void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
                        ZQueen ZQueen(const ZQueen&)
                       ZQueen& operator=(const ZQueen&)

Last update: Thu Jun 9 15:56:05 2005

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