#include "MetaWeedInfo.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class MetaWeedInfo : public ZGlass

Inheritance Chart:
void _init() public:
static void _gled_catalog_init() MetaWeedInfo(const Text_t* n = "MetaWeedInfo", const Text_t* t = "0") MetaWeedInfo(const MetaWeedInfo&) ~MetaWeedInfo() void Align(Bool_t inside, Char_t lr, Char_t ud) void Box(MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e box, Bool_t downp = false, Bool_t framep = false) static TClass* Class() void Color(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b) virtual void CopyLinkRefs(lppZGlass_t& ref_list) virtual void CopyLinkReps(ZGlass::lLinkRep_t& link_rep_list) virtual void CopyLinks(lpZGlass_t& glass_list) void ExecuteMir(ZMIR& mir) static FID_t FID() Bool_t GetAInside() const Bool_t GetAlignP() const Char_t GetALtRt() const Char_t GetAUpDn() const Bool_t GetBDown() const Bool_t GetBFrame() const MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e GetBoxType() const ZColor GetColor() const Bool_t GetColorP() const Int_t GetH() const Bool_t GetLabelP() const Int_t GetW() const Int_t GetX() const Int_t GetY() const static GledNS::ClassInfo* GlassInfo() virtual TClass* IsA() const void Label(const Text_t* l) static MID_t Mid_Align() static MID_t Mid_Box() static MID_t Mid_Color() static MID_t Mid_Label() static MID_t Mid_Resize() static MID_t Mid_SetAInside() static MID_t Mid_SetAlignP() static MID_t Mid_SetALtRt() static MID_t Mid_SetAUpDn() static MID_t Mid_SetBDown() static MID_t Mid_SetBFrame() static MID_t Mid_SetBoxType() static MID_t Mid_SetColor() static MID_t Mid_SetColorP() static MID_t Mid_SetH() static MID_t Mid_SetLabelP() static MID_t Mid_SetW() static MID_t Mid_SetX() static MID_t Mid_SetY() MetaWeedInfo& operator=(const MetaWeedInfo&) const ZColor* PtrColor() const virtual Int_t RebuildLinkRefs(An_ID_Demangler* c) void Resize(int x, int y, int w, int h) ZMIR* S_Align(Bool_t inside, Char_t lr, Char_t ud) ZMIR* S_Box(MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e box, Bool_t downp = false, Bool_t framep = false) ZMIR* S_Color(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b) ZMIR* S_Label(const Text_t* l) ZMIR* S_Resize(int x, int y, int w, int h) ZMIR* S_SetAInside(Bool_t ainside) ZMIR* S_SetAlignP(Bool_t alignp) ZMIR* S_SetALtRt(Char_t altrt) ZMIR* S_SetAUpDn(Char_t aupdn) ZMIR* S_SetBDown(Bool_t bdown) ZMIR* S_SetBFrame(Bool_t bframe) ZMIR* S_SetBoxType(MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e boxtype) ZMIR* S_SetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t a = 1) ZMIR* S_SetColorP(Bool_t colorp) ZMIR* S_SetH(Int_t h) ZMIR* S_SetLabelP(Bool_t labelp) ZMIR* S_SetW(Int_t w) ZMIR* S_SetX(Int_t x) ZMIR* S_SetY(Int_t y) void SetAInside(Bool_t ainside) void SetAlignP(Bool_t alignp) void SetALtRt(Char_t altrt) void SetAUpDn(Char_t aupdn) void SetBDown(Bool_t bdown) void SetBFrame(Bool_t bframe) void SetBoxType(MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e boxtype) void SetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t a = 1) void SetColorP(Bool_t colorp) void SetH(Int_t h) void SetLabelP(Bool_t labelp) void SetW(Int_t w) void SetX(Int_t x) void SetY(Int_t y) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual FID_t VFID() const virtual GledNS::ClassInfo* VGlassInfo() const

Data Members

Int_t mX X{GS} 7 Value(-range=>[0,256,1], -join=>1) Int_t mY X{GS} 7 Value(-range=>[0,256,1]) Int_t mW X{GS} 7 Value(-range=>[0,256,1], -join=>1) Int_t mH X{GS} 7 Value(-range=>[0,256,1]) Bool_t bColorP X{GS} 7 Bool(-join=>1) ZColor mColor X{PGS} 7 ColorButt() Bool_t bLabelP X{GS} 7 Bool() Bool_t bAlignP X{GS} 7 Bool(-join=>1) Bool_t bAInside X{GS} 7 Bool() Char_t mALtRt X{GS} 7 Value(-range=>[-1,1,1], -join=>1) Char_t mAUpDn X{GS} 7 Value(-range=>[-1,1,1]) MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e mBoxType X{GS} 7 PhonyEnum() Bool_t bBDown X{GS} 7 Bool(-join=>1) Bool_t bBFrame X{GS} 7 Bool() static GledNS::ClassInfo* sap_MetaWeedInfo_ci public:
static const MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e BT_None static const MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e BT_Flat static const MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e BT_Up static const MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e BT_ThinUp static const MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e BT_Engraved static const MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e BT_Border

Class Description


void _init()
 *** Set all links to 0 ***

void Resize(int x, int y, int w, int h)

void Color(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)

void Label(const Text_t* l)

void Align(Bool_t inside, Char_t lr, Char_t ud)

void Box(BoxType_e box, Bool_t downp, Bool_t framep)

Inline Functions

                           void ~MetaWeedInfo()
                   MetaWeedInfo MetaWeedInfo(const Text_t* n = "MetaWeedInfo", const Text_t* t = "0")
                          FID_t FID()
                          FID_t VFID() const
             GledNS::ClassInfo* GlassInfo()
             GledNS::ClassInfo* VGlassInfo() const
                          Int_t GetX() const
                           void SetX(Int_t x)
                          Int_t GetY() const
                           void SetY(Int_t y)
                          Int_t GetW() const
                           void SetW(Int_t w)
                          Int_t GetH() const
                           void SetH(Int_t h)
                         Bool_t GetColorP() const
                           void SetColorP(Bool_t colorp)
                         ZColor GetColor() const
                           void SetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t a = 1)
                  const ZColor* PtrColor() const
                         Bool_t GetLabelP() const
                           void SetLabelP(Bool_t labelp)
                         Bool_t GetAlignP() const
                           void SetAlignP(Bool_t alignp)
                         Bool_t GetAInside() const
                           void SetAInside(Bool_t ainside)
                         Char_t GetALtRt() const
                           void SetALtRt(Char_t altrt)
                         Char_t GetAUpDn() const
                           void SetAUpDn(Char_t aupdn)
        MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e GetBoxType() const
                           void SetBoxType(MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e boxtype)
                         Bool_t GetBDown() const
                           void SetBDown(Bool_t bdown)
                         Bool_t GetBFrame() const
                           void SetBFrame(Bool_t bframe)
                           void CopyLinks(lpZGlass_t& glass_list)
                           void CopyLinkRefs(lppZGlass_t& ref_list)
                           void CopyLinkReps(ZGlass::lLinkRep_t& link_rep_list)
                          Int_t RebuildLinkRefs(An_ID_Demangler* c)
                           void ExecuteMir(ZMIR& mir)
                          ZMIR* S_SetX(Int_t x)
                          MID_t Mid_SetX()
                          ZMIR* S_SetY(Int_t y)
                          MID_t Mid_SetY()
                          ZMIR* S_SetW(Int_t w)
                          MID_t Mid_SetW()
                          ZMIR* S_SetH(Int_t h)
                          MID_t Mid_SetH()
                          ZMIR* S_SetColorP(Bool_t colorp)
                          MID_t Mid_SetColorP()
                          ZMIR* S_SetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t a = 1)
                          MID_t Mid_SetColor()
                          ZMIR* S_SetLabelP(Bool_t labelp)
                          MID_t Mid_SetLabelP()
                          ZMIR* S_SetAlignP(Bool_t alignp)
                          MID_t Mid_SetAlignP()
                          ZMIR* S_SetAInside(Bool_t ainside)
                          MID_t Mid_SetAInside()
                          ZMIR* S_SetALtRt(Char_t altrt)
                          MID_t Mid_SetALtRt()
                          ZMIR* S_SetAUpDn(Char_t aupdn)
                          MID_t Mid_SetAUpDn()
                          ZMIR* S_SetBoxType(MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e boxtype)
                          MID_t Mid_SetBoxType()
                          ZMIR* S_SetBDown(Bool_t bdown)
                          MID_t Mid_SetBDown()
                          ZMIR* S_SetBFrame(Bool_t bframe)
                          MID_t Mid_SetBFrame()
                          ZMIR* S_Resize(int x, int y, int w, int h)
                          MID_t Mid_Resize()
                          ZMIR* S_Color(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
                          MID_t Mid_Color()
                          ZMIR* S_Label(const Text_t* l)
                          MID_t Mid_Label()
                          ZMIR* S_Align(Bool_t inside, Char_t lr, Char_t ud)
                          MID_t Mid_Align()
                          ZMIR* S_Box(MetaWeedInfo::BoxType_e box, Bool_t downp = false, Bool_t framep = false)
                          MID_t Mid_Box()
                           void _gled_catalog_init()
                        TClass* Class()
                        TClass* IsA() const
                           void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                           void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                           void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
                   MetaWeedInfo MetaWeedInfo(const MetaWeedInfo&)
                  MetaWeedInfo& operator=(const MetaWeedInfo&)

Last update: Thu Jun 9 15:56:12 2005

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