Utterly incomplete and neglected - last edit was around 2003.


gledarch - Architectural Elements of Gled


This document presents the basic architectural elements of Gled. Each of them is presented down to the implementation level (with slight variation in the level of detail). As these elements are often related their interdependencies are presented and discussed. Order of presentation is from basic elements towards complex and more entangled ones. Regarding the reading order, start where you will ... there is a short introductory part on the beginning of each section that should get you going.

Gled is still knee-deep in its development phase. Ideas for improvements and new features are placed towards the end of each section. Comments, intended for developers that wish to understand Gled or contribute on architectural level are also included.

Basic concepts


External packages

Gled: Why and how

The first precursor of Gled was a simple perl/Tk application called ZeD. It provided GUI for editing of calligraphic Bezier strokes to be exported to Metafont or POVRay (as axially symmetric 3D tubes). As one can never be quite content with the first implementation of certain tool and there was nothing really wrong with ZeD (besides "versatile" mouse/keyboard bindings) the ideas for its reincarnation took a most unexpected turn: ZeD was to become a multi-user collaborative tool for editing of symbol collections. I forgot how such a drastic change could have crossed our minds ... but there it was and it sure seemed like the right way to go.

At that time (around 1997/98) OpenGL was slowly emerging in the Linux world and a simple GL previewer for ZeD was written using the Fast Light ToolKit (FLTK). Seeing things rendered in real-time is rewarding ... too rewarding as it puts imagination on fire and all kinds of untamed ideas begin to crawl inside your head. So the plan went one step further ... to write a multi-user tool for collaborative editing of objects in 3D space.

There was also ROOT, the object-oriented data analysis framework written in C++.

Having ROOT around was good, for it had object serialization support and socket abstraction layer that worked. And it had CINT ... which was somewhat good as it was possible to send and execute method calls as strings and it was somewhat bad because it was absolutely not thread safe. Anyway ... with these tools combined a simple prototype consisting of about ten classes was scrapped up in about half a year time. That was the first incarnation of Gled.

But there was also perl and there was the idea of parsing C++ header files and producing tons of stuff: accessor methods, functions for handling smart pointers and reference counting, to build per-class widgets in fltk and later on to write all remote method execution as auto generated creators and executors of method invocation requests.

The ZGlass class

ZGlass is the base-class for classes that make use of or build up the Gled system. A Gled class is called a glass an instance of a glass is called a lens (a Gled object).

Glass identification

Each glass needs to be uniquely identifed to support lens streaming, proper delivery of MIRs, construction and update of lens-views (GUI and renderers) and other useful things. The identification is done by usage of two positive integers (zero reserved for special uses):

These two are joined in the FID_t structure (short for full ID) declared in GledCore/Gled/GledTypes.h:

 typedef UShort_t				LID_t;
 typedef UShort_t				CID_t;
 class FID_t {
   LID_t	lid;
   CID_t	cid;
   FID_t(LID_t l=0, CID_t c=0) : lid(l), cid(c) {}

FID_t can be streamed as data-member and as a method argument.

To obtain a FID of a given glass one uses one of the following member functions (both are auto-generated by project7):

 static  FID_t  FID();        // Use as SomeGlass::FID() or glass_ptr->FID()
 virtual FID_t VFID() const;  // Use as base_glass_ptr->VFID()

The obtained FID can then be used for further interaction with catalogs and other Gled services (instantiators of lenses, their views or renderers).

Glass catalog entries

 static  GledNS::ClassInfo*  GlassInfo() { return  sap_WGlButton_ci; }
 virtual GledNS::ClassInfo* VGlassInfo() const { return  sap_WGlButton_ci; }

FID .... static + virtual ... classname

data model: basic types, root classes (stones), glasses

data access

execlock, execution ... stamps

ref counting, refcount lock

links ... copylinks .... uses execlock ... stamps


List as container for links.

zlist ... copy ... listlock ... stamps

Add methods. If several links to the same lens are expected in a list, then AddBefore/Remove methods can fail. Use only queue operations (front & back).

need for member-type specification (to restrict membership to given glass)

LIST_CALL #define ... and other defines in ZGlass


Single-glass locking can be performed at will.

Multiple-glass locks should employ all-or-nothing strategy. Not implemented yet. Currently only needed in Saturn during execution of MIRs. Saturn locks the Queen and the lens.

Locking done in:

a) execution of MIR

b) in auto generated Set methods

c) in ZGlass::CopyLinks(lpZglass_t& list, Bool lockp=true) if lockp is true.

d) in Eye::Manage during Ray processing

e) in MTW_SubView::UpdateFromTimer_s()

f) in RnrDriver before any direct execution of rnr methods.

Lens creation and deletion

Queens as mothers and as grim rippers.

Creation prior to server start-up: manual creation, CheckIn(). See CINT scripts.

Creation during server operation: ZQueen::Instantiate and ZQueen::Incarnate

Deletion goes through several steps, initiated with ZQueen::RemoveLens().

1) Mark as not accepting references.

2) Unmangle self from object graph and mark as deleted. Send Viewers a Death Ray so that they can clean-up views, widgets and renderers.


GledNS and GledViewNS namespaces

GledGlueGen and Project7


Router of messages.

MasterSocket, list of MoonSockets, list of EyeSockets.

Sun as a specific instance has no master.

All sockets handled in a single thread with common select statement. Perhaps should separate at least the master and have it in its own thread.

SaturnInfo and SunQueen. EyeInfo.

Rulers of object-spaces


locking rulers as atomic operation: lock all intended or unlock and wait

Thread support

Gled was designed as a single-process multi-threaded application. Threads are used within Saturn itself (socket managing), one thread is dedicated to the GUI event-loop and another one for running ROOT's class TRint which encompasses the CINT interpreter. These threads are not the subject of this section as they are internal to the functioning of the Gled application.

User threads are spawnable from lenses of glass Eventor. Their purpose and their mode of interaction with existing lenses and Saturns can be manifold:

  1. Computation performed on a single Saturn, results of which are either broadcasted to all Saturns sharing the relevant lenses or stored on some permanent media (or sent over the network to a data-collector).

  2. Distributed computation performed on multiple Saturns, sharing some lens-graph that serves as input to the computation. Coordination is needed here to divide the job into suitable partitions, transmit them to lower-level nodes and to collect their output. The final results can be used as above.

  3. Data acquisition or process spawning & monitoring. The thread connects to certain data source, controls its operation and processes its output. Again, the results can be used as in 1.

  4. Algorithms that traverse a lens-graph and execute operations on lenses (or graph itself), possibly performing them periodically. An example of this class are event-engines for dynamic scenes that need to call different lens-methods to achieve desired results. As the lens-graphs are shared between several Saturns and changes need to be synchronized there are two obvious options:


    One Saturn executes the thread and emits MIRs to all Saturns sharing the lenses that are targets of thread's operation.


    All Saturns execute the thread and modify local structures without communication with other Saturns. This can lead to dis-synchronization of lens-spaces and should be used with care.

    The choice depends on CPU intensity of the performed calculations, available bandwidth, size of resulting structures and frequency of MIR emission.

XXX some words on results that are re-included into gled: lens-graphs or stones (possibly for visualization).

From the presented use-cases one can make two basic distinctions of user-threads in Gled:

Gled's implementation of user-threads and is based on three classes:

  1. Operator is the glass-base for glasses that participate in thread-traversals of lens-graphs. The Operator declares a virtual method Operate(), which does the actual work performed by an operator. For pure Operator it simply calls Operate() on all its list members that are operators themselves (note class Operator : public ZList). Of course, the Operator glass needs to be sub-classed to export code for threading.

  2. Eventor (sub-class of Operator) is the glass-base for glasses that are a root of an operator-graph, i.e. those that actually receive their own threads. The specialization is needed to allow for setting of thread properties and for chores related to operation of a thread as a whole (e.g. set-up, starting/stopping/suspending, cleaning up, etc).

  3. Mountain manages requests for starting, stopping, suspending and resuming of threads for a given Eventor. It launches a thread within its static member function which provides execution environment & control together with top-level exception handling for the Eventor presiding the full Operator hierarchy. There is a single Mountain per Gled executable and is spawned during Saturn initialization.

On operator level, information about thread execution type is available and can be used to trigger different responses (e.g. send a MIR or call a method directly). It is often impractical and time consuming to code too many checks on every possible level and it's perfectly OK to code operators for a given case of threading. One should just take that into account when building operator-graphs and providing them with execution environment.

Thread properties & Execution environment

Advice: make Operator.h, Eventor.h and Mountain.h header files available for inspection and peek into them as you read further.

Properties & Operator::Arg argument

Thread properties define how thread(s) are spawned for a given Eventor. Also, they control thread behaviour. Currently there are five properties, declared in Eventor.h:

  1. Multix: when true thread will be spawned on all Saturns, sharing the instance of an Eventor. If operators change lenses, they should do so locally, as all Saturns will mimic their behaviour.

    When false, the thread will only be started on a single Saturn (see next item). The lens-changes should be posted as MIRs.

    If an Eventor is in the fire-space of a Saturn, this distinction is meaningless.

  2. Host: a link to SaturnInfo that will execute the thread if Multix is not set. If null the thread will be started on Saturn with the given Eventor in its sun-space.

  3. The SignalSafe flag represents the second differentiation between threads. Threads that mostly perform computation and change lenses in short bursts are signal-safe as they can be suspended/resumed by standard signals. During the short periods when they perform lens changes, they should lock the Operator::Arg::fSignalodor mutex.

    Threads that dynamically change a scene and/or are periodically traversing the operator-graph are best stopped in between two cycles. These are signal-unsafe and are internally suspended/resumed via the Operator::Arg::fSuspendidor condition variable. This also assures a consistent state of affected lenses at suspend time.

    In short, signal-safe threads tell when not to be suspended while signal-unsafe ones offer when they can be suspended.

  4. Continuous flag controls whether Operate() loop will be entered continuously (if true) or it will be run just once (false).

  5. UseDynCast switches between usage of dynamic_cast<Operator*> and direct cast to (Operator*) when traversing list-members of an operator. Switch to false if all operators in the thread-traversal are guaranteed to have only Operator descendants as list-members. Relevant for large operator trees with frequent invocation.

Upon start-up of a thread, values of these flags are copied into the Operator::Arg structure, which is passed as the argument to all calls to Operator::Operate(Arg*) method. This structure is instantiated by a call to Arg* Eventor::PreDance().

Operator::Arg is the core of user-thread execution-environment and it encapsulates data needed for proper operation and control of a thread inside the Gled system. Additional elements of the structure are:

The Operator::Arg structure can be sub-classed and extended, therefore providing custom environment for the operators. It can also be modified during the operate-traversal to allow for communication and data-sharing between operators.

There is a one-thread per Eventor limit, but Operator instances can be members of several eventor-graphs. By using data from the Operator::Arg they can behave differently in each thread context.

Thread exit & Operator::Exception class

Threads, that are not Continuous simply exit after the first Operate loop. Otherwise, the loop must be exited by throwing an exception of class Operator::Exception. The base exception holds a pointer to Operator that has first thrown the exception, its message (if any) and an enumeration variable of type Operator::Exc_e.

There are five possible values for Exc_e and their meaning is shared across the implementation of Mountain and Eventor classes. Each of them will provoke a specific response of Mountain as regards the Eventor in question.

  1. OE_Done signals normal termination of a thread. Eventor::PostDance(Arg*) is called and then the thread exits. (In fact, this is the same behaviour as for non-continuous threads. It can be mimicked by continuous threads by setting Operator::Arg::fContinuous to false during one Operate cycle.)

  2. OE_Continue calls Eventor::OnContinue(Arg*, Exception&) and, as the name suggests, continues with whatever the thread would do upon finishing operate-cycle without throwing an exception.

  3. OE_Wait calls Eventor::OnWait(Arg*, Exception&) and suspends the execution of thread. It must be signaled from outside to resume its operation.

  4. OE_Stop calls Eventor::OnStop(Arg*, Exception&) and exits the thread.

  5. OE_Break calls Eventor::OnBreak(Arg*, Exception&) and exits the thread.

There is a minimal difference between OE_Stop and OE_Break. In complex Eventors/Operators it can be used to perform a different level of clean-up for each exit condition.

Implementation and usage details

Note: all relevant methods in Operator and Eventor glasses are virtual.


The code for Operator is trivial and its inspection should make most things clear. Some still need to be emphasized ...

So far Operator::Operate(Arg*) has been discussed as a single entity. In fact it is split into PreOperate(), Operate() and PostOperate(). The pre/post methods must be called from the genuine Operate(). This is intended for easier building of class-hierarchies of operators.

All this methods are exception throwing. Operators can, of course, provide lower level exception handling. This is particularly important if you lock thread-synchronisation variables from Arg*.

The Operator glass has a void implementation of PreOperate() and a trivial implementation of Operate() (just calling Pre/PostOperate>).

The implementation of PostOperate() calls Operate on all its list-members of type Operator. Its operation is further guided by three flags:

  1. Operator::bOpRecurse: if false, the descent is not done.

  2. Arg::fUSeDynCast determines whether list members will be cast dynamically (therefore allowing non-operator list-members) or statically.

  3. For each Operator list-member op, the value of its op-bOpActive> flag. If it is false, the descent into op is not done.

#define OP_EXE_OR_FLARE in the Operator.h file can be used by operators to either post a MIR to Saturn or call a method directly, based on the state of the Arg::fMultix flag. It assumes that the name of the Arg* is op_arg. An example of its use can be found in Geom1:Mover operator descendant.

Mountain - Eventor coupling

Mountain holds a more detailed description of each thread in its respective DancerInfo structure (defined in Mountain.h). It is stored in a hash_map via an Eventor* key, so Mountain can locate a thread belonging to a given Eventor.

Mountain::Start(Eventor*), Stop(), Suspend() and Resume() methods provide points for external access to thread status. They can be called by anyone and are also accessible via corresponding methods in Eventor (they bear the same name).

Upon change of a running-state of a thread, Mountain calls appropriate methods in Eventor (OnStart(Arg*), OnStop(Arg*), etc). In Eventor itself (as a base-class) the internal thread state flags are changed and stamped to perform GUI updates. Note that OnStop(Arg*) is called when thread already exits (in its clean-up function) and is called for any exit condition that terminates the thread.

Eventor has two pairs of methods, that wrap the actual Operate loop on different levels:

As has been demonstrated, the Mountain and Eventor classes are tightly coupled. But their tasks are nevertheless well separated. Mountain performs all low level thread operations, provides the main loop and calls virtual methods in Eventor to perform the actual operation as well as to notify it about changes in running state or received exceptions. Eventor (a glass) provides all user-level code and exposes interface methods and thread status to the Gled system.

XXX Sleeping, InterBeatMS (sleep kind (signal-safety), suspending during sleep)


Running state of a thread

Eventor has three flags which reflect the running state of its associated thread.

Eventor's event counting facilities

Event counting facilities in Eventor allow threads to perform a pre-determined number of loops and then terminate. It is based on three variables and implementation in Eventor::PostBeat().

The Eventor::Reset() method sets the last two counters to zero.

Usage notes

Distributed execution

time driven vs truly distributed (requests to master & result reporting)

use of condition variables (via internal (possibly local) state)

synchronization: at finish, UDP sync, control MIRs, time driven

On visibility of eventors

If pushing to moons is desired, eventors should be put into mandatory queens.

sometimes desired for eventors to be invisible ... fire-space: a) emit MIRs b) local computation ... autostart-able comets (queens or comet-bag with specified eventor to start; put into fire-space. could send status updates ...


Method execution and data-access in Gled

Eventors and operators are critically entangled with Gled's data and method execution model. The most basic aspects are covered by the user-thread infrastructure, the rest of them has to be taken into account when extending Operator classes.

Glass data: exported versus local part

Lens context: fire, moon or sun space

Use Saturn::PostMIR() to submit MIRs into the system

Use lens Set methods to change lens data (Set methods do lens-locking).

Use locks when directly accessing lens-data

LinuxThreads library

All threads and thread-synchronisation methods in Gled use simple class wrappers over the LinuxThreads library (classes GThread, GMutex and GCondition in $GLEDSYS/Gled/Gled directory).


naming, Mountain as glass (Queen?), inter-thread comm, inner threads (or sub-threads), multix reversal based on Saturn depth (reasonable for local reflectors)

Multix threads for newly connected Saturns are started via Eventor::AdEnlightenment.

non SignalSafe threads should have option to call consider suspend (dancer info not in Op::Arg)

LinuxThreads ... posix? non-portable extension in mutexes. Perhaps Mountain should be made OS specific?


PostMIR ... locks; also ownership

Saturn services (e.g. triangulators ... in fire-space?)


ROOT & threads: the TFile problem (networking ok?) ... current solution

Operators vs queens; should threads register to queens they intend to change (to suspend them prior to streaming)?


OptoStructs, FTW, MTW weeds

auto-generated weeds ... their future


Locator identifies a particular element in a FTW_Nest. It holds pointers to nest, leaf and ant (leaf and ant can be zero). They are used to represent nest's point, mark and target and for direct setting of shell-level source and sink. They will probably be used for other purposes as well when the GUI structure becomes more general.

Point and mark locators are handled internally by the nest. Other locators bound to the same nest are owned by the nest as it offers basic locator management. Classes that use own locators should be sub-classed from FTW::LocatorConsumer class and register/unregister themselves with the nest in question.

User locators must be instantiated prior to registration. Nest keeps a list of LocatorConsumers associated with each Locator and when the list becomes empty the nest deletes this Locator.

Locators report their changes to the nest (by calling FTW_Nest::LocatorChange(Locator&)). Nest forwards the notification to all registered consumers by calling LocatorConsumer::locator_change.

If the leaf pointed to by some locators is removed, the locator is migrated in the same manner as point and mark are.

LocatorConsumer class also provides basic interface (with register/unregister functionality implemented) for changing the used locator (called base): set_base(Locator&) and clear_base().

During nest destruction all consumers are notified with LocatorConsumer::destroy_base method call.

See FTW::Locator_Selector for an example.


MTW_View: per class collapsor, refresh button, periodic refresh


ZNode: basic glass implementation of a hierarchic model

The ZNode glass provides all elements needed for implementation of a hierarchic model of 3D graphics. It contains geometrical transformation from its parent, a link to parent and is subclasses from ZList which provides storage for holding children.

Tree structure

ZNode has a link ZNode* mParent which can point to its parent node. As a ZList descendant, it can contain links to its children. Since ZList membership can not be restricted by type (yet; anyway it could be restricted in ZNode::Add* methods) it is not guaranteed that all its members will actually be ZNodes.

ZNode's Add methods are overloaded to set parent of the new member (if it is a ZNode and its parent is 0) to this.

Problem arises, when a node is added to a second parent. Say, N is a child of A. Then N is added as child to another node B. Should N's parent be set to B or remain set to A?

There is no general solution although in most cases the answer is no. To control the behaviour of ZNode::Add* methods there is a Bool_t bKeepParent flag declared in ZNode. If it is true then N's parent remains A and N remains one of A's children. If it is false then N's parent is set to B and N is removed from the list of A's children.

Representation of geometric transformation

The transformation is stored in a stone ZTrans, which in turn is a wrapper around 5x5 ZMatrix. It is a mixture of the Lorenz transformation and homogeneous coordinates. The 0th row and column of the matrix are time components. Its sub matrix formed by 1st to 3rd rows is the standard rotation matrix. The 4th column represents the position four vector + scaling factor.

!!! Check what is taken for building GL matrix.

Scale and shearing variables are not used. The time variables are likewise unused. Lorentz transformations are not implemented. Time is seen just as another dimension and can be rotated to/from by passing axis argument of 0 to ZNode::RotateLF(int axis1, int axis2, float amount).

Admittedly, this is rather peculiar.

Messages & Textual Output

Saturn level

Eye level

Take const string& or const Text_t*

Provide formatting tools: GForm(const char* fmt, ...) is available and thread safe.

Redirection, duplication of streams

Gled coding standards

Gled follows most of the rules used for ROOT (see: ).

For important classes follow one class per file rule. This makes life with auto-generated code much easier.

Class names are capitalized, the most "raw" classes of Gled begin with Z. If you need Get/Set methods, add export comment to the declaration:

  Int_t		mWidth;   // X{gs}

and include #include "file-stem.h7" somewhere towards the end of class definition. See section on project7 parser.

Private and protected data members begin with m as in mFoo. Public members begin with f as in fField.

Enumeration types end with _e and individual values should begin with some common prefix:

 class Top_Selector {
    enum Type_e { T_Undef=-1, T_Locator, T_Inst, T_DevNull, T_DND };

STL constructs can be typedef-ed (I do that most of the time):

  typedef list<ZGlass*>                   lpZGlass_t;
  typedef list<ZGlass*>::iterator	  lpZGlass_i;
  typedef list<ZGlass*>::const_iterator   lpZGlass_ci;
  typedef list<ZGlass*>::reverse_iterator lpZGlass_ri;
  typedef list<ZGlass**>                  lppZGlass_t;
  typedef list<ZGlass**>::iterator        lppZGlass_i;
  typedef map<ID_t, ZGlass*>                      mID2pZGlass_t;
  typedef map<ID_t, ZGlass*>::iterator            mID2pZGlass_i;
  typedef hash_map<ID_t, ZGlass*>                 hID2pZGlass_t;
  typedef hash_map<ID_t, ZGlass*>::iterator       hID2pZGlass_i;

In particular: prefix with container type and p's for pointers. Postfix with t for type, i for iterator, etc ...

Use templates at your own discretion. I rarely use them for other stuff than containers.

Namespaces are good. Use them. Especially useful for importing foreign software (see GTS libset as an example).

About ROOT

ROOT classes that are streamable must have a default constructor. This pertains to all glasses and stones.

Always initialize the relevant data in constructor. I use private method void _init() for that.


Perhaps libsets should have their own namespaces.

Building and Installation

directory layout


standard Makefiles in $GLEDSYS/make

make_*.inc includes generated by configure

standard targets

double-collon rules:


Libsets are a means of extending Gled. The "set" part of the name tries to imply that each libset is in fact composed of several libraries (e.g., and

  1. Core or base library. It contains glasses, stones and anything necessary for functioning of the system.

  2. View library contains all GUI components: handcrafted as well as auto generated.

  3. Rnr libraries, one for each rendering engine (so far only GL rendering is supported).

Each libset should in principle implement a larger chunk of functionality. For example, the Gled libset provides basic infrastructure classes (glasses and stones), implementation of Saturn, basic GUI elements and rendering support as well as a complete application framework realized in two executables (gled and saturn).

Geom1 libset implements some geometrical shapes together with (unoptimized) GL renderers. There are also a few Operators useful for simple animations.

Numerica will hold implementations of numerical methods interesting for wider public. So far only an ODE integrator (ODECrawler) and amoeba crossed with Metropolis algorithm (WarmAmoeba) are available.

Anatomy of a libset

Creating a libset

Extending libset with new classes


XXX description on meta level.

No lens-sets are available. Unsure of the best implementation and protocol.

Help badly needed.

Documentation & Propaganda

There is *some* documentation available. There is a strong desire to have more of that stuff.

Audience to guide the documentation project would be helpful. What parts will be written first and partially also when and at what rate depends on user/developer interest.

Propaganda will be dispatched to mailing lists of familiar projects with main goal of attracting developers and supporters (fans if you wish).

Wide announcements will probably happen toward the end of 2003.

Core development plan

Stabilize code. Finalize paradigms. Some aspects of Gled are still floating.

Prepare stones/GUI for physics analysis. Mainly creation and viewing of event objects and ROOT histograms and trees.

Focus on sturdy base with usable GUI and rendering.

Provide some cluster/multi-user applications.

Prepare simple mechanisms for file access based on URI. Put this in context of glasses and lens-graphs.

Implement (or envelop) elements for user authentication, group and virtual organization management.

Begin planning for version 2. Implement in v1 things that are possible.



ROOT is great software. Without it, writing Gled would be a never-ending nightmare.

