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// $Id: PSRectangle.cxx 2118 2009-01-11 21:31:58Z matevz $

// Copyright (C) 1999-2008, Matevz Tadel. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of GLED, released under GNU General Public License version 2.
// For the licensing terms see $GLEDSYS/LICENSE or

// PSRectangle

#include "PSRectangle.h"
#include "PSRectangle.c7"
#include <Stones/GravData.h>

#include <Opcode/Opcode.h>

#include <TRandom.h>



void PSRectangle::_init()
  mMinX = 0; mMaxX = 1;
  mMinY = 0; mMaxY = 1;

  mEdgePlanes = new Opcode::Plane[4];

PSRectangle::PSRectangle(const Text_t* n, const Text_t* t) :

  delete [] mEdgePlanes;


void PSRectangle::SetupEdgePlanes()
  // !!! should be called from AdEnlightenment

  mEdgePlanes[0].Set( 0, -1, 0,  mMinY);
  mEdgePlanes[1].Set(-1,  0, 0,  mMinX);
  mEdgePlanes[2].Set( 0,  1, 0, -mMaxY);
  mEdgePlanes[3].Set( 1,  0, 0, -mMaxX);


Float_t PSRectangle::Surface()
  return (mMaxX - mMinX) * (mMaxY - mMinY);


void PSRectangle::origin_fgh(Float_t* f)
  f[0] = mMinX + 0.5f*(mMaxX - mMinX);
  f[1] = mMinY + 0.5f*(mMaxY - mMinY);
  f[2] = 0;

void PSRectangle::origin_pos(Float_t* x)
  x[0] = mMinX + 0.5f*(mMaxX - mMinX);
  x[1] = mMinY + 0.5f*(mMaxY - mMinY);
  x[2] = 0;


void PSRectangle::pos2fgh(const Float_t* x, Float_t* f)
  f[0] = x[0];
  f[1] = x[1];
  f[2] = x[2];

void PSRectangle::fgh2pos(const Float_t* f, Float_t* x)
  x[0] = f[0];
  x[1] = f[1];
  x[2] = f[2];

void PSRectangle::fgh2fdir(const Float_t* f, Float_t* d)
  d[0] = 1;
  d[1] = 0;
  d[2] = 0;

void PSRectangle::fgh2gdir(const Float_t* f, Float_t* d)
  d[0] = 0;
  d[1] = 1;
  d[2] = 0;

void PSRectangle::fgh2hdir(const Float_t* f, Float_t* d)
  d[0] = 0;
  d[1] = 0;
  d[2] = 1;


void PSRectangle::pos2hdir(const Float_t* x, Float_t* d)
  // Return 'up' direction.

  d[0] = 0;
  d[1] = 0;
  d[2] = 1;

Float_t PSRectangle::pos2hray(const Float_t* x, Opcode::Ray& r)
  // Setup ray r for given postition x so that the ray origin is above
  // the surface and its direction/lenght ascertain the surface will
  // be intersected.
  // Returns distance the ray-origin was shifted from initial pos.

  pos2hdir(x, r.mDir);
  Float_t dist = mMaxH - x[2] + mEpsilon;
  r.mOrig.TMac(r.mDir, dist);
  return dist;


void PSRectangle::pos2grav(const Float_t* x, GravData& gd)
  gd.fPos[0] = x[0]; gd.fPos[1] = x[1]; gd.fPos[2] = x[2];
  gd.fDir[0] = 0;    gd.fDir[1] = 0;    gd.fDir[2] = -1;
  gd.fMag  = mGravAtSurface;
  gd.fLDer = 0;
  gd.fTDer = 0;
  gd.fH    = x[2];
  gd.fDown[0] = gd.fDown[1] = 0; gd.fDown[2] = -1;


void PSRectangle::random_fgh(TRandom& rnd, Float_t* f)
  f[0] = rnd.Uniform(mMinY, mMaxY);
  f[1] = rnd.Uniform(mMinY, mMaxY);
  f[2] = 0;

void PSRectangle::random_pos(TRandom& rnd, Float_t* x)
  x[0] = rnd.Uniform(mMinX, mMaxX);
  x[1] = rnd.Uniform(mMinY, mMaxY);
  x[2] = 0;


void PSRectangle::wrap(Float_t* x, Int_t plane, Float_t dist)
  using namespace Opcode;

  Point& pos = *(Point*)x;

  Int_t opp_plane = (plane + 2) % 4;
  Plane& P = mEdgePlanes[plane];
  Plane& O = mEdgePlanes[opp_plane];

  Float_t opp_dist = O.Distance(pos);
  pos += dist * P.n - opp_dist * O.n;
