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// $Id: LegendreCoefs.cxx 2510 2011-08-15 06:41:33Z matevz $

// Copyright (C) 1999-2008, Matevz Tadel. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of GLED, released under GNU General Public License version 2.
// For the licensing terms see $GLEDSYS/LICENSE or

#include "LegendreCoefs.h"
#include "LegendreCoefs.c7"

#include "Stones/HTrans.h"
#include "Gled/XTReqCanvas.h"

#include "TH1.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"

#include "TMath.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include <TTree.h>

#include <gsl/gsl_sf_legendre.h>

// LegendreCoefs

// Stores a set of coefficients for spherical harmonics up to given l_max.
// Provides functions for:
// - evaluation,
// - multi-evaluation (group points with same abs(cos_theta),
// - reading of EGM files (see note below),
// - various plotting / root-tree export functions.
// Note on EGM file:
// There is some strangness with normalization, the altitudes do not match
// real Earth.
// The shape seems ok, so I'd guess it is only a factor. I tried some (sqrt(4
// pi), in particular) but couldn't get it right. But it could be there is
// some l dependance, too.
// Min / Max, as things are now, are (l_max = 100) are -1630 / 1000 with 1M
// sampling points. This also doesn't seem entirely right.



void LegendreCoefs::_init()

LegendreCoefs::LegendreCoefs(const Text_t* n, const Text_t* t) :
  ZGlass(n, t),



void LegendreCoefs::InitRandom(Int_t l_max, Double_t abs_scale, Double_t pow_scale)
  static const Exc_t _eh("LegendreCoefs::InitRandom ");

  if (l_max < 0)
    throw _eh + "l_max must be non-negative.";

  mLMax = l_max;
  mC.resize((l_max + 1) * (l_max + 1));

  using namespace TMath;

  TRandom3 rnd(0);

  for (Int_t l = 0; l <= mLMax; ++l)
    Double_t fpow = abs_scale * Power(2.0/(l+1), pow_scale);

    Double_t& l0 = coef(l, 0);

    l0 = fpow * rnd.Gaus();

    for (Int_t m = 1; m <= l; ++m)
      Double_t& lpos = coef(l,  m);
      Double_t& lneg = coef(l, -m);

      lpos = fpow * rnd.Gaus();
      lneg = fpow * rnd.Gaus();
      if (m % 2) lneg = -lneg;


void LegendreCoefs::InitToValue(Int_t l_max, Double_t value)
  static const Exc_t _eh("LegendreCoefs::InitToValue ");

  if (l_max < 0)
    throw _eh + "l_max must be non-negative.";

  mLMax = l_max;

  vector<Double_t> new_c((l_max + 1) * (l_max + 1), value);


void LegendreCoefs::SetCoef(Int_t l, Int_t m, Double_t v)
  static const Exc_t _eh("LegendreCoefs::SetCoef ");

  if (l > mLMax || l < 0)
    throw _eh + "Incorrect argument 'l'.";
  if (m < -l || m > l)
    throw _eh + "Incorrect argument 'm'.";

  mC[l*l + l + m] = v;


void LegendreCoefs::ReadEgmFile(const TString& egm, Int_t l_max)
  static const Exc_t _eh("LegendreCoefs::ReadEgmFile ");

  FILE *fp = fopen(egm, "r");
  if (!fp)
    throw _eh + "can not open file '" + egm + "'.";

    Int_t l_max_in_file;
    if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &l_max_in_file) != 1)
      throw _eh + "Failed reading l_max_in_file.";
    if (l_max_in_file < l_max)
      ISwarn(_eh + GForm("requested l_max=%d less then l_max_in_file=%d; using l_max_in_file.", l_max, l_max_in_file));
      l_max = l_max_in_file;

  mLMax = l_max;
  mC.resize((l_max + 1) * (l_max + 1));

  for (Int_t l = 0; l <= l_max; ++l)
    Int_t idx = l*l + l;
    for (Int_t m = 0; m <= l; ++m)
      Int_t    l_in,   m_in;
      Double_t cos_in, sin_in;

      if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d %lf %lf", &l_in, &m_in, &cos_in, &sin_in) != 4 ||
	  l_in != l || m_in != m)
	throw _eh + GForm("Failed at reading l=%d, m=%d.", l, m);

      if (m == 0)
	mC[idx] = cos_in;
	mC[idx - m] = sin_in;
	mC[idx + m] = cos_in;




Double_t LegendreCoefs::Eval(Double_t cos_theta, Double_t phi, Int_t l_max) const
  if (l_max > mLMax || l_max < 0)
    l_max = mLMax;

  vector<Double_t> mvals(l_max + 1);
  Double_t sum = 0;

  for (Int_t m = 0; m <= l_max; ++m)
    const Double_t cos_mphi = TMath::Cos(m*phi);
    const Double_t sin_mphi = TMath::Sin(m*phi);

    gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm_array(l_max, m, cos_theta, &mvals[m]);

    for (Int_t l = m; l <= l_max; ++l)
      sum += sum_m(l, m, cos_mphi, sin_mphi) * mvals[l];

  return sum;

Double_t LegendreCoefs::Eval(const HPointD& vec, Int_t l_max) const
  return Eval(vec.CosTheta(), vec.Phi(), l_max);


void LegendreCoefs::EvalMulti(MultiEval& me, Int_t l_max) const
  if (l_max > mLMax || l_max < 0)
    l_max = mLMax;

  vector<Double_t> mvals(l_max + 1);

  Double_t cos_theta;
  Int_t n1, n2 = 0;

  while (n2 < me.fN)
    n1 = n2;
    cos_theta = me.fMVec[me.fIdcs[n1]];
    me.fMVec[me.fIdcs[n1]] = 0;
    n2 = n1 + 1;
    while (n2 < me.fN && me.fMVec[me.fIdcs[n2]] == cos_theta)
      me.fMVec[me.fIdcs[n2]] = 0;

    for (Int_t m = 0; m <= l_max; ++m)
      gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm_array(l_max, m, cos_theta, &mvals[m]);

      for (Int_t i = n1; i < n2; ++i)
	const Int_t    ii       = me.fIdcs[i];
	const Double_t phi      = me.fPhis[ii];
	const Double_t cos_mphi = TMath::Cos(m * phi);
	const Double_t sin_mphi = TMath::Sin(m * phi);

	if (phi > 0)
	  for (Int_t l = m; l <= l_max; ++l)
	    me.fMVec[ii] += sum_m(l, m, cos_mphi, sin_mphi) * mvals[l];
	  for (Int_t l = m; l <= l_max; ++l)
	    const Double_t val = sum_m(l, m, cos_mphi, sin_mphi) * mvals[l];
	    if (l % 2 == 0)
	      me.fMVec[ii] += val;
	      me.fMVec[ii] -= val;


void LegendreCoefs::MakeRandomSamplingHisto(Int_t max_l, Int_t n_samples,
					    const TString& canvas_name,
					    const TString& canvas_title)
  TRandom3 rnd(0);

  TH1I *h = new TH1I("RndSampling", "Elevation", 256, 0, 0);
  h->SetBuffer(TMath::Max(10000, n_samples/10));

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i)
    using namespace TMath;
    const Double_t cos_theta = rnd.Uniform(-1, 1);
    const Double_t phi       = rnd.Uniform(-Pi(), Pi());
    h->Fill(Eval(cos_theta, phi, max_l));

  TCanvas *canvas = XTReqCanvas::Request(canvas_name, canvas_title);

void LegendreCoefs::MakeThetaGraph(Int_t max_l, Double_t phi, Int_t n_div,
				   const TString& canvas_name,
				   const TString& canvas_title)
  TGraph *g = new TGraph(n_div + 1);

  for (Int_t i = 0; i <= n_div + 1; ++i)
    Double_t t = TMath::Pi() * i / n_div;
    g->SetPoint(i, t, Eval(TMath::Cos(t), phi, max_l));

  TCanvas *canvas = XTReqCanvas::Request(canvas_name, canvas_title);

TTree* LegendreCoefs::MakeCoefTree(const TString& name, const TString& title)
  TTree *t = new TTree(name, title);

  Int_t    l, m;
  Double_t c;
  t->Branch("B1", &l, "l/I");
  t->Branch("B2", &m, "m/I");
  t->Branch("B3", &c, "c/D");

  Double_t *cfa = &mC[0];
  for (l = 0; l <= mLMax; ++l)
    for (m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
      c = *cfa;

  return t;

// LegendreCoefs::Evaluator

Double_t LegendreCoefs::Evaluator::Eval(Double_t cos_theta, Double_t phi) const
  return fScale * fCoefs->Eval(cos_theta, phi, fLMax);

Double_t LegendreCoefs::Evaluator::Eval(const HPointD& vec) const
  return Eval(vec.CosTheta(), vec.Phi());

// LegendreCoefs::MultiEval

void LegendreCoefs::MultiEval::Init(Int_t n)
  fN = 0;

void LegendreCoefs::MultiEval::AddPoint(Double_t cos_theta, Double_t phi, void* ud)
  if (cos_theta >= 0)
    fMVec[fN] = cos_theta;
    fPhis[fN] = phi + TMath::TwoPi();
    fMVec[fN] = -cos_theta;
    fPhis[fN] = phi - TMath::Pi();
  fUserData[fN] = ud;

void LegendreCoefs::MultiEval::AddPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, void* ud)
  Double_t mag = TMath::Sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
  AddPoint((mag == 0) ? 1 : z / mag, TMath::ATan2(y, x), ud);

void LegendreCoefs::MultiEval::AddPointUnitR(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, void* ud)
  AddPoint(z, TMath::ATan2(y, x), ud);

void LegendreCoefs::MultiEval::Sort()
  TMath::Sort(fN, &fMVec[0], &fIdcs[0]);