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// $Id: GTime.h 2800 2012-06-29 06:34:53Z matevz $

// Copyright (C) 1999-2008, Matevz Tadel. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of GLED, released under GNU General Public License version 2.
// For the licensing terms see $GLEDSYS/LICENSE or

#ifndef GledCore_GTime_H
#define GledCore_GTime_H

#include <Rtypes.h>
#include <TString.h>

class TBuffer;

class GTime
  friend class Gled;

  enum Init_e { I_Zero, I_Now, I_Never };

  Long64_t	mSec;	// X{GS}
  Long64_t	mNSec;	// X{GS}

  void canonize();

  static GTime    sApproximateTime;
  static Long64_t UpdateApproximateTime(const GTime& now);

  GTime() : mSec(0), mNSec(0) {}
  explicit GTime(Init_e i);
  explicit GTime(Double_t s) { *this = s; }
  explicit GTime(Long64_t s, Long64_t ns) : mSec(s), mNSec(ns) { canonize(); }
  GTime(const GTime& t) : mSec(t.mSec), mNSec(t.mNSec) {}

  ~GTime() {}

  static GTime Now()   { return GTime(I_Now);   }
  static GTime Never() { return GTime(I_Never); }
  static GTime MiliSec(Long64_t ms) { return GTime(0, 1000000 * ms); }

  void   SetNow();
  GTime  TimeUntilNow();

  void   SetZero()         { mSec = mNSec = 0; }
  Bool_t IsZero()    const { return mSec == 0 && mNSec == 0; }
  Bool_t IsNonZero() const { return mSec != 0 || mNSec != 0; }

  void   SetNever();
  Bool_t IsNever() const;

  GTime& operator=(Double_t sec);

  GTime& operator+=(const GTime& t);
  GTime& operator-=(const GTime& t);

  GTime& operator+=(Double_t sec);
  GTime& operator-=(Double_t sec);

  GTime  operator+(const GTime& t) const;
  GTime  operator-(const GTime& t) const;

  bool   operator<(const GTime& t) const;
  bool   operator>(const GTime& t) const;
  bool   operator<=(const GTime& t) const;
  bool   operator>=(const GTime& t) const;
  bool   operator==(const GTime& t) const;

  Double_t ToDouble()  const { return mSec + 1e-9  * mNSec; }
  Float_t  ToFloat()   const { return mSec + 1e-9f * mNSec; }
  Long64_t ToMiliSec() const { return mSec*1000 + mNSec/1000000; }
  Long64_t ToMiliSec(Long64_t max_seconds) const
  { return mSec >= max_seconds ? max_seconds*1000 : mSec*1000 + mNSec/1000000; }

  TString  ToAscUTC  (Bool_t show_tz=true) const;
  TString  ToAscLocal(Bool_t show_tz=true) const;
  TString  ToDateTimeUTC  (Bool_t show_tz=true) const;
  TString  ToDateTimeLocal(Bool_t show_tz=true) const;
  TString  ToCompactDateTimeUTC  () const;
  TString  ToCompactDateTimeLocal() const;
  TString  ToDateUTC  () const;
  TString  ToDateLocal() const;
  TString  ToWebTimeGMT  (Bool_t show_tz=true) const;
  TString  ToWebTimeLocal(Bool_t show_tz=true) const;
  TString  ToHourMinSec(Bool_t force_non_negative=false) const;

  GTime    TimeOfTheDayUTC() const;
  GTime    TimeOfTheDayLocal() const;

  void     Sleep();

  static Long64_t SleepMiliSec(UInt_t ms,
			       Bool_t break_on_signal=true,
			       Bool_t warn_on_signal=true);

  static const GTime& ApproximateTime();

  void  NetStreamer(TBuffer& b);
  Int_t NetBufferSize() const { return 2 * sizeof(Long64_t); }

#include "GTime.h7"
  ClassDefNV(GTime, 1);
}; // endclass GTime
